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 on: March 25, 2010, 10:32:59 AM 
Started by Graham - Last post by Graham
The Game Based Learning Conference has sold out but there are places available for the FREE open evening on March 29th from 5:30-7:30PM that includes

TeachMeet Game On Edition
MirandaMod Games Special
European Grant Speed Dating (Pecha Kucha Style)
Experience Lounge

Register online here

Please participate in our Ten Minute Survey here

Also on the evening of the 29th we have the 30under30 Reboot Party at the Elbow Room, Shoreditch. More info here.

Hope to see some our HHL members there Wink

 For learners and educators / Learning while mobile / Language learning on mobile phones - looking for research and projects
 on: March 16, 2010, 09:54:14 AM 
Started by grouchal - Last post by grouchal
Hi there I am looking for links and contacts on projects involved with using mobile phones to teach basic vocabulary using mobile phones.

I am involved with an EU project (MobLang) and we want to make sure we can learn as much as possible from other projects that have experience in this area.

Any references will be useful.

Thanks in advance.


UPDATE: you can contact me at al dot briggs at luziaresearch dot com or on twitter I am

 General Area / News & Events / More congratulations to Carl Faulkner.
 on: March 08, 2010, 12:51:19 PM 
Started by SteveGayler - Last post by SteveGayler
Congratulations to Carl Faulkner from Normanby Primary School for being on the shortlist of the prestiguous Guardian GC Awards for ICT that rewards excellence in public sector ICT.

It appears that Carl is the  only nomination selected from a school, and has been nominated for an award under the Innovator Of The Year category.


Congratulations to Carl, and good luck from everyone in the mobile learning field!

Steve and Team from WildKnowledge.

 on: February 15, 2010, 08:37:55 AM 
Started by Graham - Last post by Graham
The "Super Early Bird" registration for our communities annual conference in London has opened at:


Super Early Bird registrations come with a FREE Apple iPad for you as well as a £100 voucher for the Game Based Learning Conference ( http://bit.ly/gbl2010 ) that can be used for yourself or a colleague.

The full website for the Handheld Learning Festival & Conference including call for papers and talk proposals will be online in May 2010. However if you would like to be discuss presenting a talk or getting involved please feel welcome to contact me directly.

Many thanks


 General Area / General Discussion / Blues of Cain - HHL Awards Band :-)
 on: February 02, 2010, 12:19:39 PM 
Started by Graham - Last post by Graham
Those who enjoyed "Blues of Cain" who played at the last two Handheld Learning Awards parties may like this video:

 General Area / General Discussion / Re: Simpsons 'spoof' on mobile tech
 on: January 29, 2010, 10:07:57 PM 
Started by Carl Faulkner - Last post by Carl Faulkner
thanks; used a video my kids had made instead Grin

enjoyed reading your thoughts on the show...i agree wholheartedly


 General Area / General Discussion / Re: Simpsons 'spoof' on mobile tech
 on: January 28, 2010, 12:00:11 AM 
Started by Carl Faulkner - Last post by Tony Vincent

That Simpson's Episode, "Bart Gets a Z," is really funny and really relevant. I blogged about it:

The episode here in the states is no longer available on Hulu.com or Fox.com.  Perhaps you can purchase it in the iTunes Store?

 General Area / General Discussion / Simpsons 'spoof' on mobile tech
 on: January 27, 2010, 02:42:11 PM 
Started by Carl Faulkner - Last post by Carl Faulkner
As Graham twittered last week the Simpsons recently did an excellent take on kids perceived obsession with mobiles/pdas etc Grin Grin Grin

Does anyone have a link to where I might be able to find the introductory scene; I would like to refer to it in a presentation I am preparing!

Thanks in advance


 General Area / News & Events / ISTE SIGML Book Study
 on: January 21, 2010, 02:21:59 PM 
Started by Mark van 't Hooft - Last post by Mark van 't Hooft
ISTE's SIGML (special interest group on mobile learning), is hosting its first book study, starting on January 25, 2010.

Dr. Mohammed Ally’s Mobile learning: Transforming the delivery of education and training is the book we will be using for our study. It can be downloaded for free from


If you’d like a hard copy, it can be ordered from Athabasca University at http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120155

Everybody is welcome to join in on the discussion. To do so, please register at http://sigmlbookstudy2010.ning.com/ and join in on the fun for one or more chapters.

Feel free to pass this on.


 General Area / News & Events / Latest News :: Game Based Learning 2010
 on: January 20, 2010, 07:20:22 PM 
Started by Graham - Last post by Graham
The latest newsletter about the Game Based Learning Conference 2010 is online at:


Highlights is that if you register before January 31st you not only save up to £250 on the standard or late registration fees but also receive a FREE digital camcorder AND a FREE workshop pass to your choice of workshops hosted in London by Playgen.

You can't say fairer than that!

Get in there...

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