Search Keyword teaching returned 32 matches

Game Changer: Is it iPad? (Articles/Latest)
...earliest Apple II and IBM PC were all about office tasks. In the same way we apply technology over existing teaching practice, technology was also layered over traditional office tasks so word process &
11 May, 2010
A Tale of Greed & Ignorance (Articles/Latest)
...education consultant for Steljes Ltd and currently works as a freelance consultant and lectures in ICT and Teaching and Learning at Roehampton University.Chris has been involved in pioneering teach &
22 October, 2009
Preview: Handheld Learning 2009 (Articles/Latest)
...ia and Ireland present a range of practice from using gaming consoles in the classroom to social media in teaching maths to cell phone art to using Android based mobile phones for veterinary practi &
23 September, 2009
Should a 4-year-old have an iPhone? (Articles/Latest)
...alImpactGames.com, and www.GamesParentsTeachers.com.  Marc holds an MBA from Harvard and a Masters in Teaching from Yale.  More of his writings can be found at www.marcprensky.com/writing/d &
24 August, 2009
The End of the mLearning Revolution (Articles/Latest)
...it; Let me explain it; Let me paint it; Let me play it; LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT I CAN REALLY DO!’ Corporate teaching with corporate devices? If PDA’s were seen as the answer of how to address the p &
03 July, 2009
Andrew Pinder on Handheld Learning (Articles/Latest)
... in London during October this year.  The theme of the conference was "Innovation in Learning and Teaching Practice" and there were plenty of inspiring examples about what can happen wh &
04 December, 2008
Partners in Learning - Lewisham (Articles/Latest)
...uccess among Black pupils through a tailored leadership and management strategy intended to boost effective teaching and learning, tackle poor behaviour and bullying, introduce mentoring and increase &
28 May, 2008
Derek Robertson - Hero Innovator (Articles/Latest)
...t that we should kick off our hero innovator series with Derek Robertson of the Consolarium, Learning & Teaching Scotland.By kind invitation I headed North to Aberdeen to visit two primary schools &
23 March, 2008
It's the Learning, Stupid! (Articles/Latest)
...revalent assumption that low spec, low cost devices for all will effect a step change in new and innovative teaching methods and therefore learning. I’m not convinced. The efficacy of VLE’s is far fro &
01 March, 2008
Identity, Ownership and Mobility (Articles/Latest)
A few years back disgruntled by some dental work that left me with the prospect of looking like the dashing yet rough-edged, Mark E Smith, I suggested to my dentist that I would change practitioner. &
21 January, 2008
Back and Forward (Articles/Latest)
...ople behind these projects and initiatives really should be applauded, as it’s not so easy to take risks in teaching these days whilst being hamstrung by league tables, national curriculum and moving &
21 December, 2007
The Steering Committee Speaks (Articles/Latest)
...ne life without them!  And that’s why I think mobile technologies have a role in the transformation of teaching and learning.  In the same way that television has become “invisible” to us (w &
17 September, 2007
Mobile Learning and the demise of the PDA (Articles/Latest)
...ay back to their desk after writing on the interactive whiteboard. Or perhaps this is simply about control, teaching vs learning?Mobile communicators on the other hand approach connectivity differentl &
15 August, 2007
Handhelds in Feltham - An Evaluation (Articles/Latest)
...n as a concern but seems to have had the opposite effect. Children who might otherwise reject many forms of teaching appreciated the status and fun of the PDAs and were drawn into all sorts of formal &
17 March, 2007
mLearn 2006 - Review (Articles/Latest)
A week after one of the most successful mobile learning conferences, Handheld Learning 2006, held in London in association with the DfES, the UK was fully represented at the 5th World Conference on Mo &
31 October, 2006
Handheld Learning 2006 (Articles/Latest)
...ss these projects have made and whether their use of mobile technologies has provided any improvements in teaching and learning. Perhaps inspired by last years event many new initiatives began and &
04 October, 2006
Handheld Learning and Individuated Achievement (Articles/Latest)
...the proportion of public school students at the best universities.”The same egalitarian concerns led to the teaching of mixed ability pupils in the same class. However, by the early 1990s a former Chi &
04 October, 2006
Ubiquitous Computing: More than Handhelds (Articles/Latest)
... kitchens)……..it’s ubiquitous.As a result, these technologies also provide new and unique opportunities for teaching and learning in formal and informal learning environments (e.g. Alexander’s article &
28 April, 2006
What is Handheld? Does size matter? (Articles/Latest)
...Becta About the Author:Bob Harrison is a learner and teacher and former principal who has spent 25 yrs teaching in schools and colleges in England. He is Education Adviser for Toshiba Information &
28 April, 2006
Origami, An Educators Perspective (Articles/Latest)
...is a NAACE Mark assessor and an accredited SLICT facilitator. David has expertise in developing new ways of teaching and learning exploiting both broadband and portable learning technologies. As a lea &
19 March, 2006
Observing Children’s Mathematical Problem Solving with 21st C Technology (Articles/Latest)
... children owned their solutions and knew that they owned their solutions despite (or because?) virtually no teaching took place by the adults.Children tended to be economical. For example, they tended &
10 March, 2006
Adding value through podcasting (Articles/Latest)
The aim of this discussion is to work through one potential application of podcasting in a teaching and learning context. I’ll encourage you to further develop this idea through getting you to answe &
03 March, 2006
A Clear view and strong signal for mLearning (Articles/Latest)
...tical applications, and future pedagogical and technological developments which will impact on learning and teaching across the developing world. Delegates came from over 24 countries and over 60 pape &
14 November, 2005
Learning with Inspiration (Articles/Latest)
... allow for easy peer-review.  Teacher Heather Pierce finds Inspiration for handhelds a great help when teaching her fifth graders about planning their writing by outlining. For example, in scienc &
11 November, 2005
Lightweight gadget with a Heavyweight effect (Articles/Latest)
... management “issues”, but due to a need to pay the mortgage, and a rescue-mission that came my way, I’m now teaching three days a week (note: teaching) and I’m happy as a pig in straw.  But why a &
03 May, 2005
BIG CHANGE for $mall ¢hange (Articles/Latest)
...s: we feel that mainstream educators still feel that technology has little impact on - is superfluous to -- teaching and learning. The origins of this deep-seated resistance to technology in school ar &
03 May, 2005
About Us (Menu)
Handheld Learning is part of the Learning Without Frontiers organisation. Our focus is on learning and teaching practice enhanced by the use of mobile and ubiquitous technologies.Our vision is that &
19 June, 2008
Partners in Learning - Lewisham (Menu)
...uccess among Black pupils through a tailored leadership and management strategy intended to boost effective teaching and learning, tackle poor behaviour and bullying, introduce mentoring and increase &
28 May, 2008
Handheld Geometry (Web Links / Mathematics)
... dynamic geometry to do mathematics on either a handheld device, or a graphic calculator. The site hosts teaching resources and ideas, training movies and files to download to your TI84 or TI-Nspir &
01 September, 2008
Handheld Devices for Ubiquitous Learning (Web Links / Research)
...ding principles of the HDUL project are to determine how wireless handheld devices can enhance learning and teaching for HGSE's faculty and students, adult participants in the &
06 July, 2005
Literature Review in Mobile Technologies and Learning (Web Links / Research)
...es, focusing on new mobile technologies and their relevance for learning, as well as their implications for teaching and learning. &
06 July, 2005
Power in the Palm of Your Hand (Web Links / Blogs)
This page provides educators with resources for effective use of the handheld computer in support of teaching and learning. The site includes supporting Web sites, links to hardware and software sites &
23 June, 2005
Total 32 results found. Search for teaching with


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