Preview: Handheld Learning 2009 (Articles/Latest)
...series of 30 minute presentations illuminate the many creative and innovative approaches that have been taken towards learning and teaching practice that has made Scotland a leader in many emerging & |
23 September, 2009 |
Mike Sharples - Hero Innovator (Articles/Latest)
... technologies and environments. Well this is pretty much what their web site says but I was very much taken by the real sense of adventure within the research being conducted there and the practica & |
11 July, 2008 |
It's the Learning, Stupid! (Articles/Latest)
| technology.My 7 year old, a keen iBook owner, an iPhone want-to-have and Nintendo Wii demon, is quite taken with the RM miniBook / Asus EEE PC wanting one in pink to go with her DS. She's not espec & |
01 March, 2008 |
From Brick to Slick (Articles/Latest)
... trailer at and look at the great 20 shots of GSM's role in people’s lives.I am taken by analogy that was originally used by Tom Standage in his book the “The Victorian Intern & |
06 September, 2007 |
Creative Assessment with Handhelds (Articles/Latest)
...llenge. A report of this project can be downloaded here. Digital photos of each student's 3D models were taken every hour, as their designing progressed. These were immediately printed on a mini print & |
17 March, 2007 |
Handheld Learning 2006 - Review (Articles/Latest)
...h students in a classroom, others will notice and try to replicate it. Handheld computing in schools has taken off slowly in the U.S. because leading by example just hasn’t worked to bring handheld co & |
31 October, 2006 |
Handheld Learning and Individuated Achievement (Articles/Latest)
...llips (2005) suggests that black boys (and not girls) be separated from their classmates. Girls have overtaken boys in terms of quantitative performance, but does this really offer a qualitative benef & |
04 October, 2006 |
Education Beyond the Classroom (Articles/Latest)
...on test results increasing by 800% (without a handheld in sight!). Whilst such tests were not undertaken in strict examination conditions, these results indicate that handhelds can be a great to & |
23 June, 2006 |
What is Handheld? Does size matter? (Articles/Latest)
...nd toes Tablet PCs are handheld!”A recent evaluation of Tablet PCs in schools and literature review undertaken by the Open University for Becta strongly demonstrates why Tablet PCs, in a wireless envi & |
28 April, 2006 |
Mobile Technologies vs New Victorian Architecture (Articles/Latest)
... but as many a cynic might point out the devil is in the execution. Once the management fees have been taken, the architects resumes enhanced, builders bills balanced and peerages honoured, what mi & |
10 March, 2006 |
Adding value through podcasting (Articles/Latest)
...equires the student to own an internet connected device, while the browse and download model can be undertaken on any internet connected machine. In other words the student can use a computer on campu & |
03 March, 2006 |
Handheld Public Services (Articles/Latest)
...under, and the complex information needs they have in doing their jobs, it is no surprise that they have taken to information technology like ducks to water. And it is also no surprise that, as mobile & |
03 May, 2005 |
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