Game Changer: Is it iPad? (Articles/Latest)
...relentless progression towards mobile computing has continued since with countless trials, initiatives and projects for mobile learning across numerous platforms from primary to higher education, heal & |
11 May, 2010 |
Preview: Handheld Learning 2009 (Articles/Latest)
... the NESTA Challenge. Attend this session to be amongst the first to hear about a new exciting education project - idiscover - which aims to put the learning choices in the hands of young people an & |
23 September, 2009 |
Andrew Pinder on Handheld Learning (Articles/Latest)
| using a popular computer game Nintendogs to encourage team work within the game itself and then further project work, including a design project to make actual kennels for their virtual pets. It wa & |
04 December, 2008 |
Home Access - Who Benefits? (Articles/Latest)
...uld be made possible between government, private and voluntary sectors.’ Over the past 18 months the project came under the control of Becta and the taskforce worked diligently to define a serie & |
28 September, 2008 |
Mike Sharples - Hero Innovator (Articles/Latest)
...f this article, the LSRI is a hive of activity. Mike was keen to give me a flavour of some of the exciting projects taking place under his watch:I had the benefit some demonstrations of some of the pr & |
11 July, 2008 |
Partners in Learning - Lewisham (Articles/Latest)
...ld technologies in family learning with a firm outcome in mind; to raise attainment at GCSE. Jan Shapiro, Project Leader, explains: Paula Edmondson of PME Education Enterprises was engaged to su & |
28 May, 2008 |
Derek Robertson - Hero Innovator (Articles/Latest)
...lm, it was the simplicity of use and immediate results that made the devices and software deployed in this project a winning combination:Even for teachers approaching retirement:Part of the initiative & |
23 March, 2008 |
Back and Forward (Articles/Latest)
...e in post-16 and further education in the form of MoLeNET. £6 million has been made available to around 20 projects to develop a range of mobile learning projects using a variety of devices including & |
21 December, 2007 |
Handheld Learning 2007: And the Winner Is … (Articles/Latest)
...I didn’t really get to talk to teachers or students to get their take on the many types of mobile learning projects that are underway in the UK and the rest of Europe. I saw a couple of students at lu & |
20 November, 2007 |
Handheld Learning meets mLearn 2008 (Articles/Latest)
... Education Adviser to Toshiba Information Systems(UK) Ltd and is advising consortiums working on the BSF project. Bob was recently presenting at the 5th World Conference on Mobile Learning in Canad & |
26 October, 2007 |
The Steering Committee Speaks (Articles/Latest)
...ving forward, especially when it comes to bridging learning inside and outside of schools. The My ArtSpace project and Frequency 1550 are good examples of how that could be done, but they’re really pi & |
17 September, 2007 |
Creative Assessment with Handhelds (Articles/Latest)
... 3 years I've been working on the e-scape (e-solutions for creative assessment in portfolio environments) project at TERU (Technology Education Research Unit) Based at Goldsmiths University, t & |
17 March, 2007 |
Handhelds in Feltham - An Evaluation (Articles/Latest)
...he Institute of Education, University of London, to undertake an independent evaluation of an experimental project which provided hand-held Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) to all pupils in Y6 class & |
17 March, 2007 |
Handheld Learning 2006 - Review (Articles/Latest)
...isions, and networked with one another.The focus of the conference was taking handheld learning from pilot projects to mainstream. Big ideas and lofty goals from the entire United Kingdom were shared. & |
31 October, 2006 |
mLearn 2006 - Review (Articles/Latest)
...evelopment of multi media learning applications using Flash Lite and a presentation on the Wireless campus project at the University of Ulster and their use of Toshiba Tablets on a Wireless campus.Lau & |
31 October, 2006 |
Handheld Learning 2006 (Articles/Latest)
... about new initiatives that were just starting. This year we will be able to discover the progress these projects have made and whether their use of mobile technologies has provided any improvement & |
04 October, 2006 |
What is Handheld? Does size matter? (Articles/Latest)
| handheld.Have a read and decide for yourself.Tablet PCs In Schools: A review of literature and selected projects - BectaTablet PCs in Schools: Case Study Report - Becta About the Author:Bob Ha & |
28 April, 2006 |
Origami, An Educators Perspective (Articles/Latest)
...ibilities for use in Schools. On Tuesday 14th March, Jill Purcell and I from the Wolverhampton Learning2Go Project were fortunate enough to be invited to the CeBIT exhibition in Hanover Germany. As yo & |
19 March, 2006 |
Observing Children’s Mathematical Problem Solving with 21st C Technology (Articles/Latest)
...because the software was being developed and later, when development was completed, with a PDA and a Margi projection device.The students were told, “An Emerald (E) is hidden at random in a 4 by 4 gri & |
10 March, 2006 |
Mobile Technologies vs New Victorian Architecture (Articles/Latest)
...launch document “BSF will drive innovation and transformation in education: each wave of BSF will comprise projects where innovation can have greatest impact on standards. Not just innovation of an in & |
10 March, 2006 |
A Clear view and strong signal for mLearning (Articles/Latest)
...earners excluded from mainstream learning provision. Laura Naismaith and the CAERUS project in Birmingham’s botanical gardens demonstrated how location based content can be used & |
14 November, 2005 |
Learning with Inspiration (Articles/Latest)
... at learning the program.” Fifth grade teacher Trevor Ewing, discovered that having the capability to beam projects from handheld to handheld has meant an increased sense of responsibility among his s & |
11 November, 2005 |
Handheld Public Services (Articles/Latest)
...or with specific reference to the emergency services and public safety. They have recently completed projects for the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, for the Police Information Technology O & |
03 May, 2005 |
Lightweight gadget with a Heavyweight effect (Articles/Latest)
...s of what each class and each pupil had done, copies of the workschemes, and pictures of particularly good projects (so I could show those who’d managed to miss the inspiration that my introductions h & |
03 May, 2005 |
About Us (Menu)
...iscuss and network.We also undertake independent research studies, consultancy, bespoke events and special projects. As a consequence of our large community network if we don't know the answer we prob & |
19 June, 2008 |
Partners in Learning - Lewisham (Menu)
I was recently invited to attend the final workshop of some impressive work conducted in my home borough of Lewisham that was part of the Black Pupils Achievement Programme (BPAP). Since last November & |
28 May, 2008 |
MoLeNET (Web Links / Universities)
...ile learning, primarily in the English Further Education sector, via supported shared cost mobile learning projects. & |
09 July, 2007 |
FlashPack (Web Links / Development Tools)
FlashPack generates stand alone executables (projectors) for PDA's from flash .swf files and requires no programming skills whatsoever. & |
06 December, 2006 |
A New Way of Looking at Cultural Venues (Web Links / Projects)
Look here for projects about using PDAs in museums and galleries.... & |
07 November, 2006 |
OLPC News (Web Links / Digital Divide)
Alternative views about the MIT OLPC project. & |
02 November, 2006 |
Handheld Learning 2006 Podcast (Web Links / Educational Podcasting)
Podcasts from Handheld Learning 2006 including Stephen Heppell, Tony Parkin, Doug Brown, Angela McFarlane, Gerry Gray, David Whyley and many more. Essential! & |
18 October, 2006 |
Interim Wolverhampton Project Report (Web Links / Projects)
David Perry has released his end of year report on Wolverhampton LEA "Mobile Learning Project". Included are details on how the project has matured and highlighted the possibilities for future Educati & |
15 March, 2006 |
Project Gutenberg (Web Links / e-books and reference)
Over 17,000 free e-books compatible with Pocket PC and Palm devices! & |
15 March, 2006 |
Wolverhampton LEA Video (Web Links / Schools)
Video produced by Microsoft to case study the Wolverhampton project. Requires Windows Media Player to view. & |
11 March, 2006 |
GoKnow PAAM/HLE Brochure (Web Links / Schools)
...ut the PAAM device and application management solution and the Handheld Learning Environment that includes Project, PicoMap and Sketchy. & |
11 March, 2006 |
Handheld project in Kenya (Web Links / Digital Divide)
Envision a world where a student at a remote village school on the Kenya-Uganda border has access to a library of some 15 million books. & |
02 September, 2005 |
Manolo project (Web Links / Research)
The Manolo project is an extension of the GIPSY project. It investigates the added value of wireless and mobile technologies for higher education. By defining the effects of e-, w- and m-learning in d & |
06 July, 2005 |
GIPSY project (Netherlands (Web Links / Research)
Research project investigating the use of mobile technology in higher education. Mostly in Dutch, end report is in English. & |
06 July, 2005 |
Handheld Devices for Ubiquitous Learning (Web Links / Research)
Site for the HDUL project at Harvard University, led by Chris Dede. The guiding principles of the HDUL project are to determine how wireless handheld devices can enhance learning and teaching for HGSE & |
06 July, 2005 |
PdaReach (Web Links / Links related to software for handheld devices)
Like Pocket Controller for Pocket PC devices, PdaReach allows you to project your PalmOS powered handheld on your desktop. In addition, the software allows you to control your Palm Handheld directly f & |
06 July, 2005 |
Pocket Controller (commercial software) (Web Links / Links related to software for handheld devices)
...handhelds screen onto the screen of their laptop while the device is syncing (and then say through the lcd projector). & |
01 July, 2005 |
Marcin Kraszewski (Contact / Handheld Learning)
...b is to manage the development of our web sites and other online work. As a prolific mountain climber, big projects never scare him. & |
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