The End of the mLearning Revolution (Articles/Latest)
... and ubiquitous technologies might change traditional teaching methods should have centred around the widening opportunities to inspire and capture learning as it occurs rather than looking at it a & |
03 July, 2009 |
Handheld Learning 2007: And the Winner Is … (Articles/Latest)
...tually got us using some of the tools that presenters talked about. It was a very laid-back session with lots of opportunities to talk to presenters about their projects in a very personal and informa & |
20 November, 2007 |
Handheld Learning 2007 - Review (Articles/Latest)
...w participation (i.e. mobile phone, Internet-enabled handheld, laptop). I also know that as a learner, I welcome opportunities to interact with other conference attendees and to multitask.Of cour & |
26 October, 2007 |
The Steering Committee Speaks (Articles/Latest)
...ith devices that are becoming more personal and also enabling greater communication and collaboration. The opportunities for learning are enormous and this event will enable us to take forward t & |
17 September, 2007 |
Handhelds in Feltham - An Evaluation (Articles/Latest)
..., University of London. He recently returned to this post from a one year secondment as Principal Manager, Equal Opportunities and Access at the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.--------If you & |
17 March, 2007 |
Ubiquitous Computing: More than Handhelds (Articles/Latest)
...g devices, iPods, cars, kitchens)……’s ubiquitous.As a result, these technologies also provide new and unique opportunities for teaching and learning in formal and informal learning environments (e & |
28 April, 2006 |
A Clear view and strong signal for mLearning (Articles/Latest)
... decreased costs and convergence of devices, improved digital content and increased demand for flexible learning opportunities mean this is an area which needs further exploration, research and develo & |
14 November, 2005 |
Handheld Public Services (Articles/Latest)
...ations they work for, are coming to the realisation that they could be using this technology to provide learning opportunities or support staff in making decisions in complex and pressured situations. & |
03 May, 2005 |
BIG CHANGE for $mall ˘hange (Articles/Latest)
...elves. While the digital kids find paper and pencil boring and unsatisfying, ePaper and ePencil afford truly new opportunities for reading, writing, collaborating, and researching. Waxing eloquent abo & |
03 May, 2005 |
About Us (Menu)
... phones and handheld entertainment devices outsell laptop and desktop computers by 4:1 we believe there are huge opportunities to make transformational improvements in learning that will affect everyo & |
19 June, 2008 |
Equity Digital Divide Campaign (Web Links / Digital Divide)
To increase the profile and awareness of the impact that the Digital Divide is having on educational opportunities of young people. & |
09 February, 2006 |
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