Search Keyword having returned 13 matches

Game Changer: Is it iPad? (Articles/Latest)
...ncluding watching movies and using BBC iPlayer for catching up on missed episodes of Cbeebies and Dr Who. Having dropped the iPad on numerous occasions it has proven to be quite robust, certainly more &
11 May, 2010
Preview: Handheld Learning 2009 (Articles/Latest)
... Education sectors or with a leaning towards research we feel that we have arrived this year by finally having an independent fringe event called HHECKL and a MirandaMod, an unconference by the Mir &
23 September, 2009
Andrew Pinder on Handheld Learning (Articles/Latest)
...l those involved in this field who are able to see the vast benefits - both social and educational - that having access to technology at home can bring. The week following the conference saw the Depar &
04 December, 2008
Mike Sharples - Hero Innovator (Articles/Latest)
...hat Web 2.0 technologies such as social networking, media sharing and informal collaborative learning are having at home. What they’ve found is that there are very few examples of these technologies b &
11 July, 2008
Derek Robertson - Hero Innovator (Articles/Latest)
... kind invitation I headed North to Aberdeen to visit two primary schools and a teachers training session. Having followed Derek's work and ideas for the past 2 years I had expected to be impressed but &
23 March, 2008
Identity, Ownership and Mobility (Articles/Latest)
...tand them far better than us. Historically I might have opposed the idea of confirmed online identity but having been on the receiving end of some pretty nasty material I’m pretty confident that we’re &
21 January, 2008
Back and Forward (Articles/Latest)
...hardcore gamers. Expect to see a lot of action on the Internet from Wii owners however. The Playstation 3 having outsold the Xbox 360 all over Europe and Japan will also be victorious in the USA. The &
21 December, 2007
Handheld Learning 2007: And the Winner Is … (Articles/Latest)
...I talked to many interesting people and stockpiled lots of great ideas, which I’m still trying to digest. Having a myriad of conference resources online (such as blog postings, presentation slides, po &
20 November, 2007
Observing Children’s Mathematical Problem Solving with 21st C Technology (Articles/Latest)
...an you tell where the Emerald is?” (A-3) they were able to solve problems after a half hour’s experience. Having mastered this activity, children were anxious to go on to two Emeralds.In the Two-Emera &
10 March, 2006
Learning with Inspiration (Articles/Latest)
...it, too. They were very adept at learning the program.” Fifth grade teacher Trevor Ewing, discovered that having the capability to beam projects from handheld to handheld has meant an increased sense &
11 November, 2005
Handheld Public Services (Articles/Latest)
...s there as well.  GPS systems mean that information can be proactively pushed to users without their having to request it, integration with command and control systems allows organisations to pro &
03 May, 2005
BIG CHANGE for $mall ˘hange (Articles/Latest)
...creased attendance and motivation, to citing compelling anecdotes of children doing what they do best – behaving in amazingly wonderful ways using sublaptop technologies. Mainstream educators may well &
03 May, 2005
Equity Digital Divide Campaign (Web Links / Digital Divide)
To increase the profile and awareness of the impact that the Digital Divide is having on educational opportunities of young people. &
09 February, 2006
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