Preview: Handheld Learning 2009 (Articles/Latest)
...driven by a media generated backlash against the very world that our young learners inhabit and are expected to grow. This years conference will set out the argument for universal access that embr & |
23 September, 2009 |
Should a 4-year-old have an iPhone? (Articles/Latest)
...So actually he has an iTouch, rather than an iPhone, with the latest phone OS. He is, though, connected quite robustly to the Internet via our home Wi-Fi, and he/we will certainly try some Vo & |
24 August, 2009 |
Is the 21st Century here yet? (Articles/Latest)
...y and powerfully this year because lots of people now realise the power of the small but beautifully connected. The connected DNA of text and twitter messages rather than the dinosaur application poin & |
12 January, 2009 |
Andrew Pinder on Handheld Learning (Articles/Latest)
...rning for Innovation Awards, celebrating innovative practitioners and organisations. The winners were selected by public vote with SMS messaging. Another key point made at the conference was the unive & |
04 December, 2008 |
Home Access - Who Benefits? (Articles/Latest)
...S, 80 million for Wii and 70 million for Sony’s PS3 and PSP. Other handheld entertainment devices are expected to touch 1 billion. In addition to the currently well-known players in this sector & |
28 September, 2008 |
Mike Sharples - Hero Innovator (Articles/Latest)
...oncerns about current thinking along the lines of proposed schemes such as the Home Access Initiative expected to be announced formally by the next Handheld Learning Conference. He doesn’t believe tha & |
11 July, 2008 |
Derek Robertson - Hero Innovator (Articles/Latest)
| and a teachers training session. Having followed Derek's work and ideas for the past 2 years I had expected to be impressed but what I experienced, and hope I've gone some way to capturing, was som & |
23 March, 2008 |
Handheld Learning meets mLearn 2008 (Articles/Latest)
| and the countryside.Will we see a convergence into one device or divergence to multiple, yet interconnected, devices?Will developments in embedded and wearable technology accelerate the decline of & |
26 October, 2007 |
Handheld Learning 2007 - Preview (Articles/Latest)
...w much has developed in the past year since Handheld Learning 2006, something’s took look longer than expected while others accelerated, new lessons were learnt and new discoveries made. The general c & |
17 September, 2007 |
The Steering Committee Speaks (Articles/Latest)
...ed tool, where students use it as needed. This means that technology use is more student than teacher-directed, diverse, and flexible.So there you have it, wise words from wise people who have worked & |
17 September, 2007 |
Mobile Learning and the demise of the PDA (Articles/Latest)
...liver on the promise of anytime, anywhere learning?In some cases the notion of mobility, or at least connected mobility where devices can access that wonderful late 20 Century invention known as the I & |
15 August, 2007 |
Creative Assessment with Handhelds (Articles/Latest)
...amed around their PDAs to facilitate group support and review. Throughout, all the media created and collected by the students was uploaded to individual secure web portfolios as the activity progress & |
17 March, 2007 |
Handhelds in Feltham - An Evaluation (Articles/Latest)
... that use of the PDAs re-engaged’ some pupils who were not committed to learning before. The teachers expected the novelty value to wear off, but found that it did not.Teachers reported that the abili & |
17 March, 2007 |
Handheld Learning 2006 - Review (Articles/Latest)
...t the three breaks each day. Morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea proved to be times when delegates reflected on what they learned, shared their visions, and networked with one another.The focus of t & |
31 October, 2006 |
Ubiquitous Computing: More than Handhelds (Articles/Latest)
... to the user. Ubiquitous technology is often wireless, mobile, and networked, making its users more connected to the world around them and the people in it.When it comes to education, Ubiquitous acce & |
28 April, 2006 |
What is Handheld? Does size matter? (Articles/Latest)
...nitely handheld.Have a read and decide for yourself.Tablet PCs In Schools: A review of literature and selected projects - BectaTablet PCs in Schools: Case Study Report - Becta About the Author:Bo & |
28 April, 2006 |
Origami, An Educators Perspective (Articles/Latest)
...e where it was to be launched to a drooling public. We asked at the information desk and we were directed to hall 4 where the main Microsoft stand was. Now I was under the impression that Project & |
19 March, 2006 |
Observing Children’s Mathematical Problem Solving with 21st C Technology (Articles/Latest)
| of the time for the construction of inference abilities. It is our sense that inference is an oft-neglected topic in elementary school mathematics. In order to provide challenging inference activit & |
10 March, 2006 |
Adding value through podcasting (Articles/Latest)
...l where the student makes a conscious decision to install the appropriate software on their internet connected device, and then subscribe to the podcast feed. Once subscribed when a new audio file is & |
03 March, 2006 |
Lightweight gadget with a Heavyweight effect (Articles/Latest)
...essment doesn’t rely on whether I can remember which twin did which piece of work. Furthermore, selected items of my assessment can be automatically uploaded to the school system, so I don’t hav & |
03 May, 2005 |
BIG CHANGE for $mall ˘hange (Articles/Latest)
...ed numerous national awards. In particular, in 2001, the undergraduates at the University of Michigan selected him to receive the “Golden Apple Award” as the Outstanding Teacher of the Year at UM. In & |
03 May, 2005 |
About Us (Menu)
...ocial media platforms to media sharing networks and more in a world where learners are becoming more connected.In an age where more people on our planet have mobile phones than don't and where mobile & |
19 June, 2008 |
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