Preview: Handheld Learning 2009 (Articles/Latest)
...ue for money for taxpayers is a concept beyond their ken. And so what should be a hard-headed, well-informed discussion about restructuring the public finances is becoming, instead, quite ridiculous & |
23 September, 2009 |
Andrew Pinder on Handheld Learning (Articles/Latest)
| event where the main players from the consumer electronics and entertainment software industries engage in discussions with senior education professionals and leaders on this scale. Senior executiv & |
04 December, 2008 |
It's the Learning, Stupid! (Articles/Latest)
...if it doesn’t achieve this, it’s just tin.Graham Brown-Martin is the founder of Handheld LearningComments and discussion are welcomed.If you would like to submit an article for this site please contac & |
01 March, 2008 |
Identity, Ownership and Mobility (Articles/Latest)
...D will advance this and may have more success than certain ID card schemes one could mention.Let’s bring this discussion to the subject close to our hearts. Learning.Who owns your learning?Who owns th & |
21 January, 2008 |
The Steering Committee Speaks (Articles/Latest)
...boration. The opportunities for learning are enormous and this event will enable us to take forward the discussion on how best to utilise these devices in education and to develop the system to & |
17 September, 2007 |
Creative Assessment with Handhelds (Articles/Latest)
...s lead the e-scape team to consider how the collection and recording of other aspects of performance, such as discussion in the form of short audio clips, might help to present an even more complete p & |
17 March, 2007 |
Handhelds in Feltham - An Evaluation (Articles/Latest)
...e evaluation: methodsA series of visits took place to monitor and evaluate the progress of the project. Discussion with school staff and colleagues from the City Learning Centre to discuss the s & |
17 March, 2007 |
Handheld Learning 2006 - Review (Articles/Latest)
...eems the device of choice is the Pocket PC, with barely a mention of Palm handhelds. There was also plenty of discussion about using mobile phones and Sony PSPs in classrooms. Many presenters echoed t & |
31 October, 2006 |
Handheld Learning 2006 (Articles/Latest)
| you have your chance to put your questions to several industry leaders participating in the industry discussion panel on the Thursday afternoon. At least one manufacturer, Fujitsu-Siemens Com & |
04 October, 2006 |
Ubiquitous Computing: More than Handhelds (Articles/Latest)
...s is available from RCET.Register for the online forum at to participate in discussions on topics related to ubiquitous computing for teaching and learning. About the & |
28 April, 2006 |
Observing Children’s Mathematical Problem Solving with 21st C Technology (Articles/Latest)
...ties in environments that, for reasons of cost or space, are not suitable for “traditional” PCs.The following discussion of activities designed to provoke inference making is based on software develo & |
10 March, 2006 |
Adding value through podcasting (Articles/Latest)
The aim of this discussion is to work through one potential application of podcasting in a teaching and learning context. I’ll encourage you to further develop this idea through getting you to answe & |
03 March, 2006 |
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