Game Changer: Is it iPad? (Articles/Latest)
...s great for those odd times when I was power-using but those days are fewer and further between. A logic board failure meant a recent sidegrade to a MacBook Pro 13” which is light and portable b & |
11 May, 2010 |
Should a 4-year-old have an iPhone? (Articles/Latest)
...nguin will probably come as soon as it does. Writing? He does lots of it, using the on-screen keyboard. And while it looks like gibberish to me, he knows exactly what it says and to who & |
24 August, 2009 |
The End of the mLearning Revolution (Articles/Latest)
...on devices are now incorporating media players, the Nintendo Wii can be turned into an interactive whiteboard and cameras and camcorders are embedding GPS and WiFi technology. All is rosy in th & |
03 July, 2009 |
The New Apple Core (Articles/Latest)
... PC will no longer be a relevant term as all user interfaces will be interactive and capable of keyboard type input as well as voice this new generation, (Web 3.0) there will be & & |
11 July, 2008 |
Identity, Ownership and Mobility (Articles/Latest)
...“delivery” sits uncomfortably, in my opinion, with “personalised”. Like the poor use of Interactive Whiteboards, poor use of a Learning Platform is somewhat like a digital rotary Gestetner of old, i.e & |
21 January, 2008 |
Back and Forward (Articles/Latest)
... process, i.e. familiar techniques and tools but in digital form such as the ubiquitous interactive whiteboards and VLE’s replacing chalkboards and photocopiers, that only in the best hands deliver im & |
21 December, 2007 |
Handheld Learning 2007 - Preview (Articles/Latest)
...reating mobile learning content and Promethean are running seminars encouraging us to “Think Outside the Board”.The exhibition, like the conference, is one of the largest of its kind where the leading & |
17 September, 2007 |
Mobile Learning and the demise of the PDA (Articles/Latest)
...ave built-in GPS will be able to find their way back to their desk after writing on the interactive whiteboard. Or perhaps this is simply about control, teaching vs learning?Mobile communicators on th & |
15 August, 2007 |
Learning in the Air (Articles/Latest)
...ceably wider than usual and have been redesigned to be a little thinner, allowing more legroom. The ‘dashboard’ here is also up to the minute, with the handset in front rather than in the arm rest, an & |
17 March, 2007 |
Creative Assessment with Handhelds (Articles/Latest)
...the others spread appropriately between). I understand that QCA use this system already to monitor inter-board comparability, basically to ensure an 'A' in maths from OCR is the same as an 'A' in math & |
17 March, 2007 |
Handheld Learning 2006 - Review (Articles/Latest)
... government representatives, school district decision-makers, and technologists. Getting these people on board is important for taking handheld learning mainstream. American conferences are mostly abo & |
31 October, 2006 |
Education Beyond the Classroom (Articles/Latest)
...e have spent a lot of development time creating virtual field trips that operate on the desktop or white board, enabling those who don’t have handhelds to practice at home or in the classroom. T & |
23 June, 2006 |
Origami, An Educators Perspective (Articles/Latest)
| and also has a really nice on-screen keypad which you operate with both hands like those ergonomic keyboards of a few years ago. The device is around 28 x 15 cm’s that is around 11 x 6" i & |
19 March, 2006 |
Observing Children’s Mathematical Problem Solving with 21st C Technology (Articles/Latest)
...hasized not only in classrooms but at home and in the wider community. The National Association of State Boards of Education in the United States, for example, says that learning must no longer be lim & |
10 March, 2006 |
Mobile Technologies vs New Victorian Architecture (Articles/Latest)
...ites and all include that hopeless technology for the chronologically displaced, the “Interactive Whiteboard”. Yes we can appear to be forward thinking without actually changing anything because we & |
10 March, 2006 |
Adding value through podcasting (Articles/Latest)
...astListen to the other groups podcast (about 15 minutes a week)Submit questions to the course discussion board or voicemail.The student – if it is their turn to create the podcastAssess the previous g & |
03 March, 2006 |
Handheld Public Services (Articles/Latest)
...ut users in the emergency services under extreme pressure – never the best situation in which to take on board new information and one where we may not make the best decisions we can unless supported & |
03 May, 2005 |
Lightweight gadget with a Heavyweight effect (Articles/Latest)
.... They’re on the PDA. Available. Whenever.How else is a PDA useful at the chalk-face (“white-board-marker-face” doesn’t have the same ring to it !) ? If I’m called to emergency lesso & |
03 May, 2005 |
MobileWrite Handwriting Recognition For Palm OS (Web Links / Links to Palm related sites)
...favorite Palm OS applications, by simply writing on the screen of your handheld, instead of using the keyboard. & |
02 June, 2006 |
Desktop Rover for Pocket PC (Web Links / Links to Pocket PC sites)
Desktop Rover allows you to control up to 32 computers (and now Pocket PCs) with a single computer's keyboard and mouse. & |
13 April, 2006 |
mDesk and mDesk Pro (Web Links / Links to Palm related sites)
"mDesk will render the content of Palm screen on Windows desktop and map keyboard and mouse events to the corresponding actions on the actual handheld device. mDesk is available in two forms: mDesk & |
16 February, 2006 |
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