Preview: Handheld Learning 2009 (Articles/Latest)
... makes the case for a radical change in education in the UK, advocating and end to the “one size fits all” approach - and encouraging more diversity, a greater value placed on practical and vocatio & |
23 September, 2009 |
The End of the mLearning Revolution (Articles/Latest)
... ‘personalised learning’ through 1:1 access whilst maintaining the traditional ‘front of class’ Blue Peter approach to teaching. I am constantly reminded of that awful phrase that I heard time and & |
03 July, 2009 |
Is the 21st Century here yet? (Articles/Latest)
...l recession as a reason to ‘stick to their knitting’ and to avoid taking risks; and those organisations who approach the recession as a catalyst for change and an impetus for doing things differently. & |
12 January, 2009 |
Mike Sharples - Hero Innovator (Articles/Latest)
...the next Handheld Learning Conference. He doesn’t believe that extending schools into the home is the right approach as there is a risk of denying the very rich learning that is already happening out & |
11 July, 2008 |
Derek Robertson - Hero Innovator (Articles/Latest)
...results that made the devices and software deployed in this project a winning combination:Even for teachers approaching retirement:Part of the initiative in Aberdeenshire and the use of Nintendogs was & |
23 March, 2008 |
Mobile Learning and the demise of the PDA (Articles/Latest)
...board. Or perhaps this is simply about control, teaching vs learning?Mobile communicators on the other hand approach connectivity differently. In addition to Wi-Fi capability, many devices come with m & |
15 August, 2007 |
Creative Assessment with Handhelds (Articles/Latest)
...ollow the rules rather than break them and come up with really exciting ideas. Project e-scape is a new approach to the assessment of creativity and design innovation at GCSE level where students & |
17 March, 2007 |
Handhelds in Feltham - An Evaluation (Articles/Latest)
... 2005 and 2006 Y6 classes. PDAs for all or laptops for allThis study has demonstrated many advantages of an approach which supports ‘PDAs for all’, particularly in comparison with a ‘Laptops for all’ & |
17 March, 2007 |
Handheld Learning 2006 - Review (Articles/Latest)
...ce in America. Those in the U.K. are arriving to the handheld learning party fashionably late. However, the approach where government officials, technology companies, and educational agencies subscrib & |
31 October, 2006 |
Adding value through podcasting (Articles/Latest)
...the podcast feed then the individual will automatically receive the file. This differs from the traditional approach of delivering audio files which involves the student locating the audio file on the & |
03 March, 2006 |
MoLeNET (Web Links / Universities)
The Mobile Learning Network (MoLeNET) is a unique collaborative approach to encouraging, supporting, expanding and promoting mobile learning, primarily in the English Further Education sector, via sup & |
09 July, 2007 |
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