Handheld Learning Forum

For learners and educators => Game Based Learning => Topic started by: Graham on June 03, 2008, 10:54:26 PM

Title: Essex school in Nintendo Trial
Post by: Graham on June 03, 2008, 10:54:26 PM

Well if it's in The Sun...


A story about Oakdale School in South Woodford, Essex who are using Nintendo DS's in class.

A more detailed version of the story in the local paper at:

from the Redbridge Primary ICT Blog:

Title: Re: Essex school in Nintendo Trial
Post by: Mark van 't Hooft on June 05, 2008, 03:46:50 AM
Interesting story, although I hope the use of the DS's will go beyond the brain "training" they are doing with them now. Definitely some potential to expand on this project ....

Title: Re: Essex school in Nintendo Trial
Post by: Graham on June 05, 2008, 01:38:15 PM
From what I can tell from the Redbridge blog this project has been inspired by the work that Derek Robertson (https://handheldlearning.co.uk/content/view/46/1/) and the team at LTS in Scotland have been doing so I'm sure that they are already considering other game based learning ideas for their crop of Nintendo DS's.

Nintendo Wii's and Playstations are also finding their way into the physical education classes with add-on's such as Wii Fit (http://www.nintendo.com/wiifit/) and dance mats. An interesting recent article can be found in SecED here:


Here's a video for Wii Fit, the displays kind of remind me of something from Star Trek Classic...

I think the things is that it's becoming clear that commonplace gaming technologies are being accepted into the learning environment which bodes well for the upcoming Handheld Learning Conference :-)

Title: Re: Essex school in Nintendo Trial
Post by: dmashley on June 05, 2008, 09:41:30 PM
The Nintendo DS Lite is also being used in Secondary School Maths lessons. See the article about Hyde Technology School in Tameside ()on the network2learn web site.  Hyde Technology School are also using the Wii in PE lessons.