Lightweight gadget with a Heavyweight effect
Written by Peter Broome on Tuesday, 03 May 2005 |
For years (decades, even) I carried a large ring folder to every class. It contained class lists, records of what each class and each pupil had done, copies of the workschemes, and pictures of particularly good projects (so I could show those who’d managed to miss the inspiration that my introductions had engendered in their colleagues). Oh, and I carried a diary, to remind me of meetings that I absolutely had to attend, for fear of being volunteered for something appalling, or of missing the (rare) important announcement or educational idea.
I still see people equipped like that; their PlannerDiary clutched under their arm, stuffed full of extra papers – all very important notes that must be acted upon urgently. “How quaint”, think I, and reminiscences of how it used to be come flooding back.
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BIG CHANGE for $mall ¢hange
Written by Cathleen Norris, Elliot Soloway on Tuesday, 03 May 2005 |
1:1 works. In those classrooms and schools where each and every child has a computer equipped with task-appropriate software, and teachers, IT staff, and administrators are adequately prepared, then increases in student motivation and achievement are observed. No surprise: just as in every other venue, from accounting to scientific research, when technology is ubiquitous and provides task-appropriate support, significant productivity increases are realized. For elementary and secondary education, then, the only pressing question is “how do we scale up 1:1” so all children can benefit?
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